Microsoft Dynamics365 Azure app setup
Once you have complete this guide you will have create a Microsoft app registration and should have made a note of:
- Your Microsoft app registration tenant ID.
- Your Microsoft app registration client ID.
- Your Microsoft app registration client secret.
1. Navigate to
2. Click "App registrations"
3. Click new registration
4. Enter a name, this could be anything, for example "Dynamics365 App"
5. Click "Register"
6. Make a note of the client ID and tenant ID.
7. Click "Certificates & secrets"
8. Click "New client secret"
9. Add a description, save and then make a note of the created client secret value.
10. Click "API permissions"
11. Click "Add a permission"
12. Click "Dynamics CRM"
13. Click here.
14. Click "Add permissions"